• Social Engineering
    In a social engineering attack, the perpetrator exploits human vulnerability through physical or virtual manipulation techniques to gain unauthorized access to confidential information or protected systems.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is a psychological manipulation technique used to obtain confidential information, access protected computer systems, or carry out fraudulent actions by manipulating people instead of using technical or computer-based methods.
Understanding and Defending Against the Attacker

The Beginning of a Cyberattack

Currently, there is a wide range of social engineering methods. However, for most employees, cybersecurity is merely an abstract concept that has no connection to their reality. In our social engineering assessment, we specifically train you and your staff on attackers' approaches so that they can recognize them and defend themselves in case of an emergency.
Physical Security
For example, the attacker gains access to a building through social engineering, where they then have more opportunities to attack the system.
Phone Call
They use "pretexting" (creating a false situation to obtain information), emotional manipulation, or intimidation to achieve their goals.
Phishing Email
More than 75% of all social engineering attacks start with a phishing email. Only a fraction of existing exploits exploit purely technical vulnerabilities.

Recognizing and Defending Against Social Engineering Methods

We've all received a call or an email that seemed suspicious. Sensitive data such as account information, personal details, or even passwords were requested. This is precisely what social engineering aims to achieve. Attackers try to manipulate the human behavior of their victims through trust and authority to obtain the desired information.

We educate your team about common social engineering tactics and how to recognize them.
We conduct periodic awareness tests to assess employees' level of understanding and vigilance regarding social engineering.
By investing in social engineering awareness, you can reduce the risk of falling into attackers' traps.

Curious? Convinced? Interested?

Schedule an initial consultation at no obligation. Use the following link to book an appointment via Zoom, or fill out the following form, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

Advanced technological solutions, Tech Defense Europe S.L., established by leaders in the field of cybersecurity.

Contact Us

Passeig de Gràcia 21
Barcelona 08007, España.
Email: info@techdefense.eu
Tel: +34 644 097 828