• Live Hacking
    Our cybersecurity specialists will teach your collaborators how an attacker can exploit your company's security vulnerabilities. The goal of this project is to raise awareness among the public about cybersecurity.
Awareness Through Examples

What is Live Hacking?

During our Live Hacking, an expert highlights areas of cybersecurity that are often abstract. In contrast to malicious hackers, ethical hackers do not exploit the vulnerabilities revealed. Our goal is to raise awareness to improve the security of your company.
A More Understandable Explanation

Some Practical Examples of Our Live Hacking

Cyberattacks are now common, though they can be minimized through specific penetration testing. However, there are certain attacks that repeat themselves over and over. We would be happy to design a specific scenario for you.
The Human Factor
The countless attack vectors that exist today allow cybercriminals to easily penetrate a company. Even in environments that are generally considered secure, such penetration is possible: after all, dual transport encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems are not insurmountable obstacles when the human factor is attacked.
Infiltration Through Social Engineering
In addition to pure Spear Phishing, social engineering is another popular method for obtaining confidential data. That's why Live Hacking also addresses this point. In such a scenario, an employee receives a deceptively genuine email. This causes them, unknowingly, to infiltrate malware into the system.
Penetration Through WLAN Networks
Attackers use wireless networks to obtain confidential data, passwords, and even credit card numbers. To do this, a WLAN is set up in a public area where the attacker maintains control. Anyone who logs into this network will have their data flow controlled by the attacker.
A Step Ahead from the Attack

Advantages of Live Hacking

Live Hacking represents a clear advantage for companies: it helps raise employees' awareness of potential dangers. Although regular training on the General Data Protection Regulation is already mandatory, it can be somewhat intangible. Especially for those employees who do not work in the information technology sector, cyberattacks remain a rather abstract topic.

It contributes to making employees aware of potential dangers.
It is an informal form of teaching that entertains and inspires the audience.
It helps employees who do not work in the IT sector. Here, on the contrary, it becomes quite clear how cybersecurity can be bypassed, live and in real-time.

Curious? Convinced? Interested?

Schedule an initial consultation at no obligation. Use the following link to book an appointment via Zoom, or fill out the following form, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

Advanced technological solutions, Tech Defense Europe S.L., established by leaders in the field of cybersecurity.

Contact Us

Passeig de Gràcia 21
Barcelona 08007, España.
Email: info@techdefense.eu
Tel: +34 644 097 828